Articole recente
- Imaginati-va o altfel de societate! ( un soi de raspuns pentru Tudor Chirila)
- Demystifying trauma and the gift of the awakening to deeper consciousness.
- Awakening and healing trauma
- Psihologia multimilor, unitate, solidaritate si emotie
- Normandy and the beaches where history was made
- Comings and goings of age and the memory of it all
Arhiva categoriei: Spiritualitate
Awakening and healing trauma
We have been talking about our awakening for years. It was great to be able to find people that went through the same experiences as ourselves. That gave us a lot of hope for what was to come next. These … Continuarea
Publicat în Idei, Spiritualitate
Comentariile sunt închise pentru Awakening and healing trauma
Normandy and the beaches where history was made
Some people live in the past and like it. Some even live in a past that isn’t theirs. Probably a shrink would say that this isn’t a good way to live and would recommend some sort of behavioral therapy. A … Continuarea
Publicat în Calatorie, Cultura, Spiritualitate
Etichete beaches, continuum, D-Day, emotional, energy, experience, France, historical reparation, history, mystical, Normandy, space, time, transcendent, travel, visit, WWII
Comentariile sunt închise pentru Normandy and the beaches where history was made
Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Wayne W. Dyer – In loving memory of a great guide, great thinker and great human being.
„Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.” Wayne Dyer Since I’ve started writing I have been told to tell … Continuarea
Publicat în Cultura, Educatie, Idei, Spiritualitate
Etichete #better, #change, #healing, #health, #life, #mind, #now, #purpose, #spirituality, #thoughts, #waynedyer, #yeswecan
Comentariile sunt închise pentru Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Wayne W. Dyer – In loving memory of a great guide, great thinker and great human being.
Hey we can radicalize kindness too!
All we see is all that we want to see. But what if we’d look inside and brought it back out? We’d set a “new trend”. For instance if we really can’t see beauty anymore let’s look for … Continuarea
Publicat în Cultura, Educatie, Idei, Spiritualitate
Comentariile sunt închise pentru Hey we can radicalize kindness too!
According to scientific research we are made of energy and that energy can be influenced either by positive thinking or negative one. The analysis has reached the sub-atomic level of our cells … Continuarea
Publicat în Cultura, Educatie, Idei, Spiritualitate
Comentariile sunt închise pentru THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT THE CRISIS